Here's Pill Wonder, one of the vanguards of the Underwater Peoples label, with the happy psych-punk of "Gone to the Market." You might have heard the track alongside the UP Summer Showcase'd "Wasted by the Screen" when Jungle/Surf got its cassette release via Wild Animal Kingdom.
Pill Wonder - Gone To The Market from Chocolate Bobka on Vimeo.
There are highlights: The gorgeously thin synth lines, the tinkly bell thing that's going on. I said this last time I wrote about a Pill Wonder song, but I'll say it again because it's true. This Pill Wonder song is better than all the other Pill Wonder songs I've heard. And I really liked those songs, so yeah.
Edit: while the above statement's still true, I was confusing them with Frat Dad at the time. My bad.
mp3-> Pill Wonder - Gone to the Market [from Jungle/Surf, out 2/28 on Underwater Peoples]
[Download][via ChocolateBobka]
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